Staying calm inside

We are living a very challenging time. The majority of us had the luck to say until today “I never lived a war, a national trauma or a state of emergency”.

Now we are in this pandemic situation together. No one is safe and everybody is impacted on all levels.

Maybe you lost people already, your job is at risk, your health, your financial situation. This crisis we are living is a serious threat to our future and our loved ones. But it is also an opportunity to learn and look forward to the future, on an individual and collective point of view.

In what kind of world do we want to live, how, what to improve and what to live behind ? I think it’s still too early to have an answer to these questions. We have to go deep into our self reflection, our leaders have to make decisions to use all this time we have for good.

But right now we have to manage our daily lifes, trying to hold up everything together. Being stucked at home with very limited liberty of movement is not only a hit to our bodies but our minds. We have all seen on social media how people record themselves going nuts only after a couple of days inside. What is happening ? It is hard to ground, calm down, take time to do something useful … or do nothing.

That’s the challenge. We are so damn busy all the time, running from one task to another that now we feel scared contemplating the amount of time we have for ourselves. It is scary, we feel lost. You have all day to think about your relationships, your habits, your money, your past, your family, what do you want to manifest, etc. News are scarier every day, making the next week almost unbareable to wait for.

What can we do ? For the world, not much but stay inside and wait slowly. But each one of us has the choice and the responsability to not let fear take us and do our best to remain calm. Every day is not going to be peacefull. Especially if you live in a small place with your partner and your kids. We have the chance to meditate, put a little music on, dance, read, draw, write or cook to take our minds off the anxiety around us. For families it’s a beautiful occasion to connect, get closer and create new memories together.

It’s the moment to be productive for you and your family but it’s not either a competition to “who is going to be out with 10 lbs less or create a new business plan”. Don’t be hard on yourself, if today you did nothing but wearing pyjamas watching Netflix. Today was slow, tomorrow will be different. Take this deal day by day and be gentle with yourself. We live an unprecedent crises that NOBODY KNOWS HOW TO HANDLE.

Life is giving us an opportunity not to be lock down for weeks, but to take care of ourselves in a new way for weeks. Let’s get out of this with more love for ourselves, new habits of self-care and new goals.

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